Tuesday, October 26, 2010

this week's project

The final painting for the Plateau House in Murrieta is underway. It's 7' x 4' and will be installed outside.  I had a door made at Home Depot and the painting will be hinged to cover some ugly utility boxes on the porch at the entrance to the house. I'll take pictures once it's in place. It's funny that it's not much harder to work this big than it is to work small. Just takes sooo much more paint.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Saturday in New York

It's my birthday this week end and Jeff had a show in New York. Kit Winter, my fabulous brother in law gave me a plane ticket to go too. So here I am and it's a beautiful crisp fall day. I get to stay until Wednesday and then Laura's panel for the last painting for her guest house will be underway. 7' x 4'!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

From Tuesday

8" x 6"
oil on canvas
purchase info

from the weekend

5" x 7"
oil on canvas
a  lot of these are for sale
purchase information

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

tuesday night and some good news

this is from saturday. I'm sort of behind so now I'm posting yesterdays and I actually even have a painting that I'm really excited about but it's too dark to take a photo. tomorrow.

the good news is all over the place. I knew I get to do 2 more signal boxes but thought I'd have to wait for some kind of artist rotation. but yesterday I got my contracts for the two and an additional box with the botanicals!!! yessss.
and Mia is really coming along. All summer and early fall, I have been working as the assistant for the Peeps line. Miraculously, we went into production on three designs and I was the go to person in LA providing assistance with pattern and sample making, industrial snaps, fabric, shipping and a whole lot of stuff that I know nothing about. But she got a pretty big order form a store in Manhattan and we filled it and here it is- this morning

Leather tassel crop topeCamel trench jacket

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010


12" x 6" 
oil on canvas
This is a Toyon Tree. Maybe not quite done. The red parts are berries not flowers. 

Sunday's painting

12" x 6" 
oil on canvas

I'm working on signal box images that are due on Wednesday. This signal box is at Alamitos and 15th Street in Long Beach. There is a little park that's being built the planners want a box that contains the plants in the park. This is Catalina Ironwood.